[Buddha-l] Buddhism and Psychology research

Dan Lusthaus vasubandhu at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 4 06:26:47 MDT 2010


>That's why this is a strawman,

Actually a strawman is something false, full of imaginary flaws simply of 
the accurser's imagination, that one falsely imputes to something in order 
to easily knock it down, like knocking over a straw man. Jung's antisemitism 
is not a strawman argument. His defenders have tried to ambiguate the 
evidence. Predictable. Lamentable and dispicable.

> As I've said twice before, the literature on the controversy is 
> voluminous.  You've obviously picked your favorite sources
> and are now busily flogging them to the finish line you must imagine 
> exists.

You can imagine that after having gone through the evidence, one must 
necessarily reach an impasse instead of a conclusion. I don't. That's simply 
a priori ambiguation.

I suppose if you ever serve on jury duty, if the case lasts more than a few 
days, you will guarantee a hung jury.

> BTW what's so bad about dynamite?

it's so yesterday. Dirty bombs are the way to go these days.


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