[Buddha-l] To whom should teachings be given

Stephen Hodge s.hodge at padmacholing.plus.com
Tue Jun 6 18:46:46 MDT 2006

Dave Fiordalis wrote:

> In regard to the first verse, I'm not sure who is being referred to when 
> it speaks of not teaching the dharma to those people who wear turbans even 
> when they are healthy. Perhaps it could refer to other ascetics? However, 
> it seems that the dharma should be taught by the monks to those who 
> approach in a respectful and nonviolent fashion.

Dear Dave,
As you rightly surmise, all of these minor rules concern due respect for the 
Dharma.  The reference to "turbans" is generally understood to signify any 
head-gear which covers all the hair -- it was/is acceptable if some of the 
hair shows.  For some reason, having the hair entirely covered was 
considered disrespectful.  However, the exceptions are made for sick 
people -- if you had a bad head injury and had your head completely bandaged 
for medical reasons, there is no disrespect towards the Dharma and so a monk 
can happily come and console you in your suffering.

Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge 

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