[Buddha-l] Gender on Buddha-l

Stephen Hodge s.hodge at padmacholing.freeserve.co.uk
Sun Oct 9 18:21:14 MDT 2005

Dear Mike,

> Would one suggest there is a generic short person's  point of view as 
> opposed to a generic tall person's point of view?

Actually, yes.  Tall people literally look down on many others and I 
believe, from unsystematic personal observation, this can lead to various 
personality traits (in the case of males) that often translate into certain 
particular, though obvious, attitudes.  Similarly, short people (again 
usually male), who of necessity have to look up literally to many others, 
often seem to me (who FYI happens taller than average) to have some "point" 
to prove to the world  -- a trait seemingly exacerbated if they also 
happened to be bald and perhaps overweight.   I wonder, therefore, how tall 
are Dan Lusthaus and Richard Hayes, for example.  Perhaps a new and helpful 
Buddha-L posting rule could be implemented which stipulates that male 
subscribers should compulsorily state their height (and weight).

Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge 

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