[Buddha-l] Tibet China - not about self-immolations

Christopher Fynn chris.fynn at gmail.com
Mon Apr 1 02:21:23 MDT 2013

On 01/04/2013, Dan Lusthaus <vasubandhu at earthlink.net> wrote:
> An AP story as it appeared on nytimes online.
> Dan

> The Chinese government has been encouraging the development of mining and
> other industries in Tibet to promote its economic growth and raise living
> standards. The region has abundant deposits of precious minerals and metals,
>  yet Tibet remains among China's poorest areas despite its production of a
> large share of the county's minerals.

The BBC reported that all but two of the miners that were buried under
this landslide were Han Chinese.

I wonder how mines are goin to promote economic growth and raise
living  standards in Tibet if they employ so few Tibetans. Reports
also say this mine was at a very high altitude and Tibetans are
certainly better adapted to working at high altitudes.

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