[Buddha-l] Buddhas Meditation

Dan Lusthaus vasubandhu at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 9 06:47:38 MDT 2011

Richard notes:

>I look at most issues from a virtue-ethics perspective. Dan looks at most 
>issues from a consequentialist perspective.

He can classify himself in whichever camp he wishes, but should refrain from 
characterizing me. I look at redwood extinction from the redwood 
perspective. If a consequentialist argument occasionally chrystallizes or 
dramatizes the point, so be it. Richard's brand of virtue-ethics strikes me 
as narcissistic, reducing actual others to imaginary factoids to be 
manipulated according to how they relate to a "me." Dangerous, self-centered 
stuff, and, since drenched and grounded in viparyasa, done unsurprisingly in 
the name of "unconditional positive regard for others".

On the other hand, I am glad to hear that Richard is working out, staying 
fit, and feeling good. Congratulations.


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