[Buddha-l] Buddhas Meditation

Dan Lusthaus vasubandhu at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 8 10:04:27 MDT 2011

Gad asks:

> What if being "attached" to vegetarianism meant that you would treat meat
> eaters with contempt, or worse?

That was Richard's ridiculous point. How much "worse" are you considering? 
Like killing people because they eat meat (like antiabortionists bombing 
abortion clinics to "save" lives)? I don't know very many vegetarians 
killing carnivorous humans for being carnivorous. Anything short of that, 
let's consider:

Hurt someone's feeling (probably not -- carnivores are callous, or else they 
would have become vegetarian's a long time ago).


condone the continuous killing of thousands of animals.

Yeah, Richard is right, the first option is clearly the nastier of the two. 
Oh, it's about worrying about the mental state of non-carnivores who might 
chastise a carnivore for being responsible for mass slaughter? Yeah, the 
vegetarian is REALLY going to feel upset about having spoken out, speaking 
real truth to greedy, voracious, unstoppable power.

Wake up, people! Please.


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