[Buddha-l] on not-dwelling mind

Mitchell Ginsberg jinavamsa at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 7 16:14:17 MDT 2010

Hello all, 

There is a Chinese (and Japanese) term in Rinzai Zen, 心無所住. It reads  "xīn wú suǒ zhù" (Chinese, simpler: xin wu suo zhi) or "shin mu
shojū" (Japanese, simpler: shin mu shoju). I take it that this term is inspired by a passage in the Diamond Sutra, 10c (in its Chinese rendering). What would be the source/earliest source of this term in the Chan literature? I understand it to be a naming of the mind that does not dwell, is not fixed in position, referring to the mind (heart) that is flowing, not supported/grounded aprati.s.tha / aprati.s.thita. Thank you for all insights (and other comments!
Mitchell  ==========
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