[Buddha-l] Religion and political affliliation

Curt Steinmetz curt at cola.iges.org
Sun Jan 18 21:37:05 MST 2009

I would propose a "pluralism scale":

(1) have successfully exterminated all other religions
(2) have mostly eliminated all other religions and will soon finish the job
(3) have eliminated a great many other religions but still have a long 
way to go
(4) have only managed to eliminate a few other religions
(5) would like to begin eliminating other religions but have not been 
able to yet
(6) hate all other religions but it has never occurred to you to 
actually try to start wiping them out
(7) tolerance of other (ie, "wrong") religions
(8) respect for other religions
(9) celebration of diversity
(10) actual preference for religions other than your own


Richard Hayes wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-01-18 at 15:34 -0700, jkirk wrote:
>> Seems I'm in the dark about what "pluralistic"means 
>> in this discussion...please advise!
> The question asked by Pew researchers was (paraphrasing) "Do you believe
> your religion is in sole possession of the truth and is alone in
> offering a path to eternal life." The term "pluralistic" is not used by
> Pew; I am using it to describe the position held by those who say they
> do NOT believe their religion is the sole possessor of truth and the
> only way to eternal life. Close to 90% of American Hindus said their
> religion is not the sole path to eternal life.
> The late Willard Oxtoby of University of Toronto described religious
> pluralism as not only the acknowledgement but the celebration of there
> being more than one legitimate religion.

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