[Buddha-l] Jung and Dignaga and social mores

Curt Steinmetz curt at cola.iges.org
Thu Jan 1 11:39:01 MST 2009

Dan Lusthaus wrote:
> His "disappointment" with Nazis -- which may very well have
> arisen out personal frustrations with local Nazi friends rather than larger
> ethical awakenings -- came long after Kristallnacht, an event he was not
> unaware of. 

Kristallnacht is small potatoes compared to what the Israeli government 
is doing in Gaza right now. And yet I do not for a minute believe that 
all those who accept or even approve of the cowardly, murderous and 
overtly genocidal actions of the IDF are morally bankrupt. They are 
simply wrong.

The Shakers were eager to move onto lands recently cleared of the 
previous inhabitants by the genocidal actions of the US Army - and the 
Shakers even fancied that they had a spiritual connections with those 
very people whose demise they were only to happy to profit from.

And so forth.

Curt Steinmetz

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