[Buddha-l] ?????

Richard P Hayes rhayes at unm.edu
Tue Oct 7 12:01:05 MDT 2008

Chris wrote:

>Or perhaps some of us 'have a life' and perhaps you just need to 'get a
>life', as my now adult children frequently advise me..

I hope you remind them that the whole point of Buddhism is to stop 
getting lives.

>And, why is it so frequently 'down' black holes? Why not 'up' or even 
>black holes?

And while we're at the business of asking important questions, why do 
people in New Zealand say they are standing up, when it is perfectly 
obvious to everyone that they are in fact hanging down? Why don't they 
just admit that when they throw a ball down into the air, it comes back 
up to earth?


Richard Hayes
Department of Philosophy
University of New Mexico

Office: 525 Humanities
Phone:  277-8232

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