[Buddha-l] BURMA [Fwd: News from Burma: bludgeoning monks by the 'lone-tein' ]

Christopher Fynn cfynn at gmx.net
Thu Sep 27 23:45:50 MDT 2007

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	RE: Radio show today
Date: 	Fri, 28 Sep 2007 06:55:50 +0200
From: 	chencho gyalmo dorjee <cgyalmo at hotmail.com>
To: 	Phuntsok Rabten <finshok77 at yahoo.com>, Christopher Fynn
<c.fynn at btopenworld.com>
References: 	<162104.80391.qm at web55109.mail.re4.yahoo.com>
    Subject: News from Burma
    Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 09:02:17 +0700
    From: cbrina at silkeneast.com

    Dear Friends,

    I hope you are well.

    My wife Miemie, who is Burmese, asked me to forward the following
    message to the largest audience possible.

    Thanks for you attention.

    Warm regards,

    Claude Brina

    *Silken East Co., Ltd*
    1249 Charoen Krung Road  - Soi 47/3
    Gems Tower / 31st Floor / Room 204 A
    Bangkok 10500
    Phone: +66 (0)2 267 4606

    Fax:      +66 (0)2 267 4608
    *From:* Miemie
    *Sent:* Fri 9/28/2007 12:18 AM
    *To:* haveyoursay at bbc.co.uk
    *Subject:* bludgeoning monks by the 'lone-tein'

    We just got phone call with our sister living in Yangon about a
    few hours ago.

    We saw on BBC world, saying that 200 monks were arrested.  The true
    picture is far worse!!!!!!!!!

    For one instance, the monastery at an obscure neighborhood of
    Yangon, called Ngwe Kyar Yan (on Wei-za-yan-tar Road, Yangon) had
    been raided early this morning.

    A troop of lone-tein (riot police comprised of paid thugs) protected
    by the military trucks, raided the monastery with 200 studying
    monks.  They systematically ordered all the monks to line up and
    banged and crushed each one's head against the brick wall of the
    monastery.  One by one, the peaceful, non resisting monks, fell to
    the ground, screaming in pain.  Then, they tore off the red robes
    and threw them all in the military trucks (like rice bags) and took
    the bodies away.

    The head monk of the monastery, was tied up in the middle of the
    monastery, tortured , bludgeoned, and later died the same day,
    today.  Tens of thousands of people gathered outside the monastery,
    warded off by troops with bayoneted rifles, unable to help their
    helpless monks being slaughtered inside the monastery.  Their every
    try to forge ahead was met with the bayonets.

    When all is done, only 10 out of 200 remained alive, hiding in the
    monastery.  Blood stained everywhere on the walls and floors of the

    Please tell your audience of the full extent of the fate of the
    monks please please !!!!!!!!!!!!

    'Arrested' is not enough expression.  They have been bludgeoned to
    death !!!!!!

    Aye Aye

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