[Buddha-l] Re: Piti and the Jhannas

Katherine Masis twin_oceans at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 22 21:15:29 MDT 2007

In response to Joanna's last post:

I only have four of HHDL's numerous titles; I agree
with you that he's big on happiness, except that he
doesn't really define it, at least in the books I

I've read Sharon Salzburg's book, *Loving-Kindness*,
which defines the four Brahma-Vihara's quite well.  I
attended a weekend workshop with Daeja Napier in
Portland, Oregon about four or five years ago, and she
talked about the "Buddha-Lists" (not the Web kind)
with tongue-in-cheek.  I personally find it useful to
read them, but I don't make any effort to memorize

I don't have too many materials on *piti* or joy,
except a downloaded version of Narada Maha Thera's
The text speaks of *piti* as "jhana-resultant
I hope that clarifying the concept of *piti* will help
answer my question on the role (if any) that joy and
happiness play in Buddhism.  

Katherine Masis

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