[Buddha-l] Protestant Buddhists

Joy Vriens joy at vrienstrad.com
Tue Jan 30 04:03:01 MST 2007

>Perhaps we should follow Joy Vriens' terminology. He reminds us that mysticism  
>often involves an unmediated spirituality.

Yes, and not even mediated by ratiocination or reflexion.

>From Molinos' Spiritual Guide
"11. When the Soul already knows the truth (either by a habit acquired through reasoning, 
or because the Lord hath given it particular light) and fixes the eyes of the Mind on the 
demonstrated truth, beholding it sincerely with quietness and silence, without any necessity of 
considerations, ratiocinations, or other proofs of conviction, and the will loves it, admiring and 
delighting it self therein; This properly is called the Prayer of Faith, the Prayer of Rest, Internal 
Recognition or Contemplation. 
Which St. Thomas (2.2.q.180. Art. 3. p.4) with all the mystical Masters says, is a sincere, 
sweet, and still view of the eternal truth without ratiocination, or reflexion."

In fact, one of France's specialists on Mysticism, Henri Brémond, when quoting the French mystic Malaval, gives an interesting definition of the mystic state, which is to switch from a discursive to a mystic mode, from reflexion to intuition.  
« On peut... se jeter en Dieu », écrit-il [Malaval] (c'est-à-dire passer du plan discursif au plan mystique, de la réflexion à l'intuition)   

And not even mediated by self. Pascal speaks about the void of self (vide du moi) in his Pensées.


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