[Buddha-l] Protestant Buddhists (was Memes amd me)

curt curt at cola.iges.org
Sun Jan 28 17:08:11 MST 2007

Sally McAra wrote:
> But even if it can be misleading, the term has been taken up in various contexts, and thus I have still found it a useful term to "think with" about the modernist tendencies some Buddhists express (as opposed to those who prefer a more esoteric or devotional approach--  apologies for using these labels in passing like this, I'm well aware one could debate the ins and outs of these terms forever....)
One of my original reasons for starting this thread was to point out 
that those who "think with" this term "protestant buddhism" - should 
"think about" it a little more carefully. There has been lots of tisk 
tisking on this list about some things going on in Sri Lanka. Once again 
I will point out that Sri Lankan Buddhism is the best example we have of 
something that can be reasonably called "protestant buddhism".

- Curt

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