[Buddha-l] Re: Natural lucidity for Socrates

Richard Hayes rhayes at unm.edu
Tue Sep 12 10:24:18 MDT 2006

On Saturday 09 September 2006 16:38, Dan Lusthaus wrote:

> Richard denies that ati-prasanga characterizes buddha-l (and the ati-
> prefix means "exceeds", not the bland "not warranted")

"ati" means "too much" and "prasanga" means "conclusion". When one concludes 
too much, one concludes more than the evidence supports. When one concludes 
more than the evidence supports, one has an unwarranted conclusion. Thee is 
nothing at all bland about that.

> Not surprising coming from someone who feels ideological affinity with
> Ahmadinejad

There is a difference between someone who agrees that Ahmadinejad has made 
some legitimate observations about the motivations of the current US 
administration and someone who feels ideological affinity with Ahmadinejad. 
Or you you once again demonstrating your mastery of atiprasanga? The argument 
seems to go something like this:

Premise: Hayes thinks Ahmadinejad has valid criticisms against the current US 
Conclusion: Therefore, Hayes agrees with everything Ahmadinejad says.
Premise: Ahmadinejad has fantasies of nuking Israel.
Conclusion: Therefore, Hayes has fantasies of nuking Israel.

Ja wohl, Herr Lusthaus. No doubt about it. You have shown us yet another 
instance of atiprasanga. Your conclusion exceeds your evidence.

Richard P. Hayes
Department of Philosophy
University of New Mexico

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