[Buddha-l] Persecution in modern Colorado?
Tim Bovee/Datni LLC
tbovee at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 12:42:02 MDT 2006
This is the correct link: http://www.denverpost.com/ci_4436043
On 10/3/06, Richard Hayes <rhayes at unm.edu> wrote:
> For some reason, I have never been able to get interested in psychoactive
> drugs, and therefore I can't get interested in the issue of their
> relevance
> to Buddhism. So while our esteemed colleagues are discussing that topic,
> which is no doubt of great interest to many people,, perhaps a few of you
> older fogies might be interested in reading the following article from the
> Denver Post.
> A Colorado man accused a Secret Service agent today of arresting him on
> trumped-up allegations of assaulting Vice President Dick Cheney after he
> told Cheney the administration's policies in Iraq were
> "reprehensible."View
> Full Story http://www.denverpost.comnull/ci_4436043
> For the past couple of months my lovely femme and I have been attending
> Quaker
> meetings and taking a course on the history and principles of Quakerism.
> Given my various penchants, I find it exhilarating to be reminded of (and
> to
> see in action) all the ways of protesting against the abuses of power and
> privilege that Quakers bring to the fore, and I realize it is this
> dimension
> above all others that I have missed in all the Buddhist communities I have
> belonged to.
> Has anyone else been disappointed with the lack of social and political
> engagement in their Buddhist communities? If so, what do you do about it?
> Try
> to become more complacent? Try to get Buddhists off their butts? Divide
> your
> time between Buddhists and Quakers? Watch TV? Take psychoactive drugs?
> --
> Richard P. Hayes
> Department of Philosophy
> University of New Mexico
> http://www.unm.edu/~rhayes
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