[Buddha-l] Question of rebounced mail on Pali chronology

Franz Metcalf franzmetcalf at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 7 19:39:36 MST 2006

Jim et al.,

As we've thus far heard from one other member who supports the PayPal 
account idea (and none yet who don't), and as such accounts are free, 
and as one can transfer into them even tiny amounts of money without a 
fee, and as Jim didn't ask for the account and thus gets to keep the 
lion's share of the merit, and as this nevertheless creates a little 
field of merit for the whole assembled multitude of buddha-lers (who 
clearly need it), I repeat my suggestion that you open an account, Jim.

And, should Jim refuse, I might point out to the bodhisattvas and 
mahasattvas on the list, that we can send him money for buddha-l even 
without his creating a PayPal account. We just have to have accounts 
ourselves and use them to send money to jmp at peavler.org. VoilĂ , he has 
the digital specie, just like that.


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