[Buddha-l] Question about Donald. S. Lopez, Jr.

Vicente Gonzalez vicen.bcn at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 13:58:07 MDT 2006

Michael LaTorra wrote:

ML> I've been reading Prof. Lopez's book THE STORY OF BUDDHISM and am quite
ML> impressed with his easy handling of a wide array of topics on the history and
ML> practice of Buddhism over the millennia.
ML> Next I am planning to read his book on the Heart Sutra, ELABORATIONS ON
ML> Has anyone read it? Comments?

I have suffered the same process and I bought both.
'Elaborations' it's very different. It is devoted to explain the Heart
Sutra focused in Tibetan Buddhism from different perspectives of
practice (mantra, sadhana, tantra...). Frequently the author looks
for support in comparative philosophy, psychology and literature,
so the result it's a pedagogic and well written book.

In fact, finally the Heart Sutra become an excuse to know many other
things, so the title is well chosen. Nevertheless satisfaction is
linked with the interest in this Sutra.


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