[Buddha-l] Re: H.H. The Dalai Lama vs Geshe Michael Roach

Blumenthal, James james.blumenthal at oregonstate.edu
Mon Aug 21 00:14:20 MDT 2006

Thomas Fink wrote:

>In Tibetan Buddhism there is only one lineage who takes the celibacy 
>vow seriously. That are the Gelugpas. 

Actually, every Tibetan Buddhist lineage takes vows of celibacy seriously.  Some lineages have more lay lamas than others.  Some place more of an emphasis on the importance of monasticism. But none consider taking monastic vows such as celibacy, then breaking them a non-serious offense. A monk, by definition, holds a vow of celibacy.  There are lay teachers in many Buddhist traditions.  There are non-celibate Buddhist priests in Japan, but they are not monks. If Michael Roach had given back his vows and ceased to identify as a monk, I think a lot of the problem regarding his sexual relations would not have arisen. 

Claims about being an 8th ground bodhisattva may have been another matter.

Jim Blumenthal

James Blumenthal
Department of Philosophy
Oregon State University
102-A Hovland Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
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