[Buddha-l] consciousness

Hal Cooper halc at xprt.net
Tue Jul 5 18:02:28 MDT 2005

Stormy>I also think that at times when the existential reality of our
existence overcomes people through practices like extended internet
immersion that their brain circuitry is not at all prepared for the reality
they experience. I think that I am beginning to develop a definition of
integrated consciousness though -- it is a consciousness that is aware of
and comfortable with subjective, objective and mystery dimensions of
reality.    It seems to me that lack of integration comes from either too
much ego or an underedeveloped ego. Any thoughts?

Hal>What are the parameters for the study?  Who are the study participants?
How many? Is there a qualification procedure to be a participant in the
study?   Are there any experiments included in the study?  How are the
results of the experiments analyzed?  Is there something that could
contaminate the experiments? How do you avoid this contamination (if

If integrated consciousness exists, is it a given that differentiated
consciousness exists?  I think probably yes.

How do you tell the difference between integration and lack of integration?
Is there a way to put a number on each participant?  I think most people
would want to be good at this integration consciousness skill.  Perhaps they
would over state their success with consciousness integration.  There would
need to be a way to keep your subjects honest.

What about sex?  Is sex consciousness integration?  Much of this deep
Internet immersion has a sexual component.  Adult sites and chat rooms have
a way of snagging new users into a total immersion.  Perhaps it's not a
polite branch to go out on, but to me it seems germane to what you are
looking into.

I think consciousness is just like a mirror reflecting ignorance, but that's
just my opinion and faith.  Integrating consciousness is like combining
trash cans into a dumpster.  The garbage trucks combine the dumpsters into a
landfill.  There sits all our integrated consciousness in the stinky
landfill. Consciousness is just a passing thing. A changing dharma like the
rest.   Look into it!

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