[Buddha-l] Students as potential spooks?

Kdorje at aol.com Kdorje at aol.com
Mon Feb 6 19:27:53 MST 2012

Didn't the Department of Defense play a part in the establishment of the  
Buddhist studies program at U of Virginia? Or is my memory failing more 
rapidly  than I thought?
In a message dated 2/6/2012 1:00:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
sjziobro at cs.com writes:


Thank you for your further clarification.   It never occurred to me that, 
outside of West Point and the other military  schools, there would be 
academic programs devoted to inquiry into intelligence  matters.  That said, it 
seems reasonable that the developers of such a  program would seek a formal 
relationship with those involved in religious  studies.  Intelligence personnel 
need to know about many matters if  they're to be successful in their field 
of endeavor.  The CIA, for  example, regularly assesses religious influence 
within any particular society  or culture.  But this relation does seem 
initially arresting.  Can  you conceive of any way this question might have 
some corrolary with the study  of Buddhism?

Kind  regards,


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