[Buddha-l] Buddhists taking a stand against Islamaphobia

David Living aryacitta at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 6 17:06:18 MDT 2012

Erik says

> First of all, Andy, the correlation theory of truth is under heavy 
> criticism and possibly even completely outdated. Secondly the word 
> 'verisimilitude' you use is quite interesting because it is a 
> combination of two Latin words: veritas, which means truth ans 
> similitudo, which means likeness, and cannot be thought without the 
> concept of truth, because an untrue likeness is no likeness at all.
> So your definition is begging the question and therefore completely 
> mistaken. In fact it is an attack at truth itself.
> Any slight attempt at meditation will teach you BTW that our reality
> is anything but real. Oh, and before I forget: Santaclaus does not
> live at the North Pole.

Ah but if I was to break into your house and steal 50 Deutchmarks off your desk. Would 
you be so philosophical about truth if I were to deny doing the dastardly deed when 
caught and questioned?
Aryacitta/Dave Living


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