[Buddha-l] Prof. Leslie Kawamura

Richard Hayes rhayes at unm.edu
Thu Mar 10 14:32:48 MST 2011

Fear friends,

It is with a heavy heart that I convey the news that Leslie Kawamura died last night after being admitted to a hospital in Calgary and diagnosed with pneumonia. A mutual friend wrote me last night to say that Leslie looked very weak and frail and then wrote this morning to say that he had died.

I understand that an announcement, with a summary of Leslie's accomplishments, will be posted within a few days on H-BUDDHISM. Meanwhile, those of you who were fortunate enough to know him will surely remember him as a man of extraordinary kindness, gentleness and humility. Canadians will remember him as a pioneering scholar of Buddhism, who did much to help Buddhist studies grow and thrive in Canada. He will be missed.

Richard Hayes
Department of Philosophy
MSC03 2140
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001

rhayes at unm.edu

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