[Buddha-l] Buddhas Meditation

Dan Lusthaus vasubandhu at earthlink.net
Thu Jul 7 17:53:26 MDT 2011

I haven't been ignoring you, Joanna.

> Come on, you philosophes--------------kindly explain why this
> phrase makes no sense, or viprysasa-wise, how it does make
> sense(????)
> "eating meat with non-attachment is preferable to being attached
> to vegetarianism.."
> Precisely what is the point?
> IMO it's humbug.

Yes it is, and if one rummages through the archives one will find that is 
the argument Richard bestowed upon us in one of his sermons (with much more 
detail). I called it humbug (or words to that effect) then, and raise it 
again because the current discussion has drifted into similar waters.

The presumption many seem to labor under is that the suffering to be avoided 
is one's own discomfort and mental poise while going about eating dead 
animals and practicing "non-attachment" to disappearing species, etc., 
rather than the suffering that killing animals causes the animals. As 
Timothy said: Do with the redwoods as you please, just keep a non-attached 
attitude while doing it.


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