[Buddha-l] The Shimano Problem

Franz Metcalf franz at mind2mind.net
Tue Sep 21 12:20:57 MDT 2010


Thanks, Richard, for the url of the article. <http://www.buddhistchannel.tv/index.php?id=70,9532,0,0,1,0 

I thought it began well, but grew increasingly lazy, culminating with  
two inflated and breathtakingly unsupported pronouncements:

> 1) The sheer immaturity they're manifesting is breathtaking. Either  
> they're resisting the transformation that long hours of meditation  
> should be impressing on them or, in the belief that they're fully  
> realized, or enlightened, they think that they're beyond the effects  
> of bad karma on their future as souls.
> 2) It goes without saying that these problems are all but  
> nonexistent in woman-led sanghas and zendos.

  Who is this Wellen fellow that he should judge teachers' "spiritual  
immaturity" and know the inner secrets of woman-led sanghas? Does he  
have the Buddha-eye? Is he just finishing his ethnographically based  
dissertation on female led dharma centers? Or is he just a journalist  
who likes a good tag line?

Still, any press on this issue is good press.


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