[Buddha-l] Emptiness and not being able to imagine dying[confused]

lemmett at talk21.com lemmett at talk21.com
Tue May 25 10:43:17 MDT 2010

When practice is alive, there is no need for anything to vivify
it. Only dead things need to be vivified. Forget truth. It's just
another distraction.


lemmett at talk21.com:
So bodhisattvas are motivated by sentient beings' continued
apprehension of defilement, or the suffering of others, not their
I appreciate it and hope that I'm not posting too much - I didn't
notice anything in the guidelines - and don't have so many


Dear lemmet,
Would you considering favoring us with a first name?
There's no limit on this list for posts, far as I know.
Aside from that, seems you are engaging a lot of thought on
metaphysical speculations, on essences--like defilement,
emptiness and existence, and so on.  
As ol' F. Max Mueller would say (my guess), is, you are operating
from a "disease of language." 

If you said what your Buddhist line of choice is, we might be
able to suggest more in the way of stuff to read and think about.

For a start, however, I recommend Stephen Batchelor's latest
book, Confession of a Buddhist Atheist, as a cure for & freedom
from excessive essentialist speculation---which, as has already
been noted by others, the Buddha counseled against.

 Cheers, Joanna  

Oh ok, I notice that I'm too concerned with metaphysics though I have been worse; I find it easier to get at what I read that way. I'm most interested in East Asian Buddhism and especially Dogen, because of the Buddha nature but try to read around Buddhism in general. I am though interested in dialectic or argument, as well as 'annihilation'. That's pretty much all I have to say. I will read that book but am not on a course so not right now. I think that covers it!
Thanks, Luke


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