[Buddha-l] Water, Wheelwright and Vegas

Timothy Smith smith at wheelwrightassoc.com
Sat Jul 3 10:20:08 MDT 2010


We steal our water from the Carmel River, but are now under orders to cut pumping by 30% or so.  
Hence, we're debating the merits of a desal plant in Moss Landing area.  So it goes, more water
more building.  The Salinas Valley ag biz has pumped out so much water from the Salinas River 
aquifer that sea water is now intruding into people's wells, where people still have them.  So it goes,
more water, more farmers sell their land for subdivision and profit.....thank god for the recession!

I actually learned about Joseph Wheelwright after I'd chosen the name for my business back in 95.  My intention then
was 3 fold (in the thrall of Tibetan stuff at the time).  The outer meaning was literal, the wheelwright was
the guy who kept the wagons rolling(at the time I was doing more OD work, teambuilding etc.)and smoothed out the ride, the inner meaning
was the relationship between the 6 paramitas and leadership wisdom (leaders as bodhisattvas—Ha! I keep trying!), and the
'secret' meaning, was the dharma (as poorly as I understand it) as a force for change in people's lives.  Its still a secret.

I discovered Joseph and his contributions to depth psy. only later...a happy coincidence for me at least..as
I became more interested in individual development (in the business setting) than large scale organizational change.  I know he was
involved with Campbell and the folks at Pacifica and Esalen, though I never had a chance to see him in action.

As for Vegas, what more can one say? 


Timothy Smith

On Jul 2, 2010, at 10:15 PM, Franz Metcalf wrote:

> Timothy,
> We still steal our water from the Colorado down here. I figure you do,  
> too. But you are not such a drain on the land, up there. All these  
> people in these dry lands: now that's a topical new slant on taṇhā/ 
> tṛṣṇā (particularly Las Vegas; is that city not the perfect  
> civic embodiment of Buddhist teaching on the various dimensions of  
> "thirst"?).
> BTW: In an entirely un-Buddhist and personal aside, is Wheelwright  
> Associates named in honor of Joseph Wheelwright? My father and he  
> taught together at UCSF for many years. My dad was in the Freudian  
> camp (though more and more loosely over time), but he thought Joe was  
> a deeply wise therapist and man.
> Franz
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