[Buddha-l] Enlightenment for Sale! (was: Review of a review)

Joy Vriens joy.vriens at gmail.com
Fri Jul 2 03:18:04 MDT 2010

Hello Richard,

The way you put things in perspectives reminds me that it has never been
really different for Buddhism (or any other institutionalized religion that
has survived). If Buddhism has survived until now, it's probably for the
very same reasons, namely because it was a "commodity marketed exclusively
for the very wealthy and the politically powerful". Dan's advice of "Follow
the money" for tracing the spread of Buddhism in the past.

The difference seems to be that in the past Buddhists accepted more easily
the fact that the wealthy and the politically powerful got special
attention, who not only deserved that attention but deserved to be rich and
powerful as well. For us it would seem unfair and would make us think less
of Buddhism and of Buddhist teachers.

> Sadly, what this means is that America will crush
> Buddhism and offer in its place something that goes by the same name
> but is the very antithesis in every possible way of Dharma. On the way
> to the complete obliteration of the Dharma, a few people will make
> some money, cheat some innocent people and leave a legacy of shattered
> lives.
The eight worldly dharmas? Are there still only eight? I guess that one
solution would be to teach about the worldly dharmas. Perhaps an idea for a
seminar by Genpo Roshi?


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