[Buddha-l] suffix mantras (?) in Eng. [do not read if easily bored]

JKirkpatrick jkirk at spro.net
Mon Jan 4 14:04:12 MST 2010

Someone recently asked if "philologer" is a word. 
Here's a list of words ending in -oger:
apologer, astrologer, botanologer, cataloger, chronologer,
demonologer, dialoger, egyptologer, etymologer, geologer,
horologer, insectologer, mythologer, osteologer, philologer,
phonologer, phrenologer, physiologer,  theologer, zoologer.
I note that rheumatologer and Sanskritologer are missing, but
there seems no reason why they shouldn't be added, unless
non-usage is a reason. But that might apply to the whole -oger

The -ist suffix is more common. (If you go to this link 
and type ist into the right search slot, the list of words ending
with -ist is miles long.) 

English is variable. I prefer the -oger ending whenever possible,
because the -ist suffix strikes me as too often hinting at
negativity, as in the term "activist," (ex.: "She's a Buddhist
activist.")  The term "Communist," followed in this country by
"Socialist," probably started it all for -ist.  Spellcheck hates
the list of terms ending in -oger, BTW.
Might be fun to check up some of them in the OED to see if -oger
words in the professional denotations preceded the -ist words.
Your spellcheckologer,

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