[Buddha-l] Meanwhile in a small island called Singapore

R B Basham bshmr at aol.com
Tue Feb 9 12:17:21 MST 2010

Fellow Drifters and Nots,

>{Dan Lusthaus}: Hemorrhoids are a chronic and annoying occupational
hazard for monastics who do a lot of sitting (worse than sore knees).
Sitting creates hemorrhoids, and hemorrhoids make sitting uncomfortable.
May be one reason far fewer monks engage in sitting practice than many
people imagine...

That looks like unquestioned dogma from somewhere or humor with less
polish than buddha-l is accustom. Perhaps even information from a past
life. Pausing after research (via Internet), reading comprehension could
be at the root as some reputable sources (other than buddha-l) do
attribute "prolonged sitting ON THE TOILET" (sans mention of chanting or
reading while doing so) as a possible cause. 

Those in or around the psycho-therapeutic community will find some
secular, scientific support for a few beloved similes, such as
'retentive' and 'diarrhea' though. 

To muse on, do any of the teachers (or scholars) of religion care to
volunteer Abrahamic revelations on hemorrhoids -- that is, if not
already exposed (-:.

Richard Basham

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