[Buddha-l] As Swami goes, so goes the nation?

R B Basham bshmr at aol.com
Wed Apr 21 00:03:54 MDT 2010

On Tue, 2010-04-20 at 22:54 -0600, Weng-Fai Wong wrote:

> Since we are on the topic of religious leaders...
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8631775.stm

I read all of the linked article <g> which begins: 
"Hojjat ol-eslam Kazem Sediqi, the acting Friday prayer leader in
Tehran, said women should stick to strict codes of modesty to protect
themselves." and then ends with "There are plans to build a purpose
built new capital near Qom."

I couldn't find the original, reputable translation, or salient
commentary but it seems that Hojjat garners the same respect as most
acting's. Of course, that varies according to stereotype -- some salute,
some snicker, and so on. 

Beneath the cultural, something other than desired or feared profits and
returns for the next quarter is a foot. One interpretation is that the
licentious behavior is less dangerous elsewhere. ...

Richard Basham

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