[Buddha-l] Centres of Thich Nhat Hanh

schnipp schnupp schnippschnupp at yahoo.de
Thu May 28 13:21:49 MDT 2009

I am currently researching the posessions of Vietnamese teacher Thich Nhat Hanh. 
Therefore I have two questions:

1) Has anyone really seen an authentic document of dharma transmission of TNH (not the machine typed gathas they send you from his centres)?
2) Does anyone know if he is the landowner of his centres in the US, like Green Mountain in Vermont and Deer Park in California? 
(This is the case for example of Theniac/Plum Village in France). 

According to his own monastic rules, it is obviously prohibited to own land, but TNH seems to do otherwise. I'd appreciate further information on the two topics from the US. Any new input on the actual transmission line of Linji to Vietnamese zen (Nguyen in "Zen in Medieval Vietnam" doubts that there really is s.th. we should call "zen" in Vietnam) is also appreciated.



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