[Buddha-l] Greatest Religion Award

Robert Leverant roblev at sonic.net
Sun Jul 19 09:25:58 MDT 2009

This is a spoof. It tasted like a spoof. Rang like a spoof. *

 I did a Google and came up with corroboration.


* All the clerics' remarks were caricatures and insider jokes, largely
Jewish insider Jokes.  The Muslim cleric's title is not a correct title, but
a pun on Osama Bin Laden  and  ends with reference to  a Jewish insider
joke: "In fact, some of my best friends are Buddhist." And the Rabbi's name
Shmuel! (A reference to Yiddish shlemiel) He lives in Jerusalem! & says, "
I've been practicing Vipassana meditation every day before minyan (daily
Jewish prayer) since 1993. This an insider Vipassana joke. Take a look at
the number of Jews in prominence at IMS and Spirit Rock.  I could go on and
on, line by line. But maybe you have to be a JuBu to appreciate the Jewish
humor and not get taken in.

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