[Buddha-l] Enneagram and Buddhism

R B Basham bshmr at aol.com
Tue Jan 6 13:23:23 MST 2009

Like-mindeds and (k)nots,

Let's not ignore that the Enneagram (of Personality) incorporates the
valence of an experience (pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral; attraction,
rejection, or indifferent; strokes, slashes, normal). A person exhibits
the noxious aspects of a particular wing when 'slashed' -- I was thought
"counter-clock-wise connected'; a person exhibits characteristics of
their type when their prime motivator is neutral; person exhibits the
noxious aspects of a particular wing when 'stroked' -- I was thought
"clock-wise connected' In general, this seems to hold true. 

In some instances, for example, a person may infrequently experience
'strokes' (rewards) and seldom show (or test/score) the positive wing. A
Three (Performer, ...) would be Attention-oriented and would show the
noxious aspects of Nines when criticized, but would seldom, if ever,
exhibit the noxious Fearfulness of Sixes when 'successful' (as a Three).
Similarly, given the 'rules' above, an Actor who was more of less always
praised would seldom show the noxious anger/control of Nines. And, so

This dynamic is much more reliable (!) and valid (!) than those of
typical in economics or typical in psychology. 

The consideration of valence is essentially Buddhist and alien to
Western "cookie cutter", inter-changeable PC,  mankind.

Richard Basham

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