[Buddha-l] Phado and Buddhism

Curt Steinmetz curt at cola.iges.org
Fri Feb 6 15:55:44 MST 2009

I'm confused, which one is the theosophizing mumbo-jumbo peddler, 
Socrates or Buddha?


Dan Lusthaus wrote:
> On the other hand, a Buddhist should consider whether, and in what ways, the
> following statement by Socrates is or isn't consistent with Buddhism (e.g.
> Heart Sutra):
> "He who has got rid, as far as he can, of eyes and ears and, so to speak, of
> the whole body, these being in his opinion distracting elements when they
> associate with the soul hinder her from acquiring truth and knowledge--who,
> if not he, is likely to attain to the knowledge of true being?" (Phaedo,
> 65e-66a)
> Whoever can see past the superficial similarities to the profound
> differences between this and Buddhism will be immune from the theosophizing
> and neoplatonic readings constantly superimposed and asserted into the name
> of Buddhism.
> Dan
> (Being aware of how the psychology implied in Socrates' statement served as
> the foundation for western Medieval theories of dreams, prophesy,
> intellectual development, etc., would help the immunization process
> immensely.)
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