[Buddha-l] Sri Lanka Conference

Christopher Fynn cfynn at gmx.net
Fri Mar 21 20:32:11 MDT 2008

bclough wrote:

> Dear All,

> See an announcement for an upcoming Buddhist Studies conference in 
> Sri Lanka below.

> I'm wondering if anyone else is like me--wanting very much to attend, 
> but finding the date very inconvenient because it falls at a time 
> when many Westerners--regardless of religious affiliation--are with 
> family. I have written them, humbly suggesting a possible change of 
> date. Perhaps if others also did so, we might be able to make a 
> change happen (they provide a conference email address below).
> Best Wishes,
> Brad Clough

OTOH Sri Lanka might be a very nice place to take your family for
the winter holidays. - An advantage is most people in the west do
not have other commitments at work over that period.

- Chris

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