[Buddha-l] Purpose of life

R B Basham bshmr at aol.com
Thu Aug 28 12:14:32 MDT 2008

Mr. Diez,

>Ben C Diez: I would like to know what is your purpose of life as

Speculating on some "Purpose of Life" would be an useless imagining,
unless one is a 'zen' practicer then it is required 'crazy-making'
constantly strewn upon the clean path to simple stillness, or

Similarly with the delusion of "one's own purpose in this life", though
that seems to be peculiar to Abrahamics. 

>Ben C Diez: In addition, I would also like to know how you respond to
the Camus's questions, "Is life worth living? Why?"

Again, why all the judgmental imaginings. 

Frankly, a less dense question would prefaced with a statement: "Living
is compelling. Don't you agree?" You see, 'why' when used to discuss
motivation is typically 'wet elephant scat' because there is no way to
verify 'why' whereas one can prove 'how' and 'what'. 

However, you may be happier with the responses of learned academics
rather the uncertain knowledge of this old, impaired beggar. 

Richard Basham 

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