[Buddha-l] Heart of the matter? (was: the advent of the meditation machine?)

Christopher Fynn cfynn at gmx.net
Mon Oct 29 09:44:04 MDT 2007

Richard Hayes wrote:
> On Monday 08 October 2007 09:23, curt wrote:

>> The idea that the "roots of religious feelings" are to be found in the
>> brain can only be supported by circular logic.

> Do you have an alternative idea of where the roots of religious feelings are 
> to be found? The elbow? The pancreas? The genitals?

Tibetans locate the "body" centre in the head / brain; the speech centre at the 
throat; and the "mind" centre at the heart.

One wonders why so many cultures locate the source of feelings in the heart 
while recognizing that the brain is the central processor of the body?

- Chris

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