[Buddha-l] Re: Let Us Pee for Health

Richard Hayes rhayes at unm.edu
Thu Nov 8 16:16:48 MST 2007

On Thursday 08 November 2007 14:54, Dan Lusthaus wrote:

> America is rapidly heading for third-world status.

On this we fully agree, which proves that if the dialogue continues long 
enough, all apparent differences will be resolved. 

America has become a third-world country, thanks to a hard-working team of 
Republican bananas. That's why I have been pushing very hard for a Union of 
American States in which every member nation (that is, every country in the 
Americas from the Arctic circle to Tierra del Fuego, including all the 
Caribbean nations, including Cuba) will have a common currency (called the 
American peso). Every legal resident of every nation in the Union of American 
States will be allowed to live and travel freely and work, without passports 
or permits, anywhere in the Americas. I think we third-world nations should 
stick together. 

There will be no military allowed anywhere within the Union, since who the 
hell is going to attack America? Antartica? Not likely. Europe? They've 
already done it and don't need to repeat the mistake. Australia? Fiji? They 
don't need the headaches. Asia? They don't need to invade, when all they need 
to do is call in all the money they have lent us. I reckon we'll all be 
eligible to serve in Sichuan as corvée labor during the planting and harvest 
I'm actually quite serious about this proposal and vow not vote for any 
presidential candidate who is not fully behind this plan. It is, I am quite 
convinced, exactly what the Buddha would have wanted for the Americas (if he 
had known about the Americas). It may be be difficult to persuade Canadians 
that it would be to their advantage to join the Union of American 
States---until winter comes.

Richard Hayes

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