[Buddha-l] NYTimes.com: Let Us Pray for Wealth

SJZiobro at cs.com SJZiobro at cs.com
Tue Nov 6 08:41:30 MST 2007


All very interesting and informative.  Relative to Communism, yes, it has it's origins in the West, and certainly it is an ideology that does not tolerate other points of view.  Intolerence, however, is obviously not unique to the West.  Islam, to my understanding, is not a Western religion.  Also, the fact that Buddhists in Japan and Korea did approve of Christian persecutions in the past does raise the question as to whether intolerence is a specifically Western phenomenon.


Stan Ziobro
Christopher Fynn <cfynn at gmx.net> wrote:

>SJZiobro at cs.com wrote:
>>  in India there are areas where either Muslims or Hindus persecute Christians.
>This may be the case today but there has been a Christian community -
>particularly in South India since the earliest days of Christianity
>see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_Malabar_Nasrani
>If this information is accurate apparently they were persecuted by the Portugese
>rather than the Hindus:
>> The Communist Chinese invaded Tibet, as you know, and have expended much labor in
>> destroying the Tibetan culture, which includes its religion.
>Interestingly Tibetan Muslims seem to remain as loyal to the Dalai Lama as their
>Buddhist brethren. see:
>see: <http://tibet.com/Muslim/tibetan-muslim.html>
>  > Communism, besides being a political ideology, is also a religion inasmuch
> > as it has its doctrines, symbols, hierarchy, rituals, etc.  They have tried to
>> extinguish Christianity, Buddhism, and other religious communities wherever 
>> they are in power. Where they fail to extinghish a religion they heavily control it.
>But isn't Communism a western ideology which first arose in Judeo-Christian
>culture? IMO this kind of proves the point about the frequently intolerant
>attitude of western religions.
>- Chris
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