[Buddha-l] Re: Magic

Ngawang Dorje rahula_80 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 15 04:22:56 MDT 2007

  How about the Brahmajala Sutta. Among others, we find:
  "Whereas some ascetics and Brahmins, feeding on the food of the faithful, make their living by such base arts, such wrong means of livelihood as palmistry, [26] divining by signs, portents, dreams, body-marks, mouse-gnawing, fire-oblations, oblations from a ladle of husks, rice-powder, rice-grains, ghee or oil, from the mouth or of blood, reading the finger-tips, house- and garden-lore, skill in charms, ghost-lore, earth-house lore, [27] snake-lore, poison-lore, rat-lore, bird-lore, crow-lore, foretelling a person's life-span, charms against arrows, knowledge of animals¡¦ cries, the ascetic Gotama refrains from such base arts and wrong means of livelihood.....................
  "Whereas some ascetics and Brahmins make their living by such base arts as arranging the giving and taking in marriage, engagements and divorces; [declaring the time for] saving and spending, bringing good or bad luck, procuring abortions,  using spells to bind the tongue, binding the jaw, making the hands jerk, causing deafness, getting answers with a mirror, a girl-medium, a Deva; worshipping the sun or Great Brahma, breathing fire, invoking the Goddess of luck, the ascetic Gotama refrains from such base arts and wrong means of livelihood."

  Best wishes,

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