[Buddha-l] Buddhist Intolerance?

Bradley Clough bclough at aucegypt.edu
Wed Oct 11 10:38:17 MDT 2006

Dear Fellow Buddha-Lers,

I have been recently been charged with coming up with a paper on 
intolerance in Buddhism, and I'm a bit at a loss as to how to approach 
it. One example I'll probably use is the Sinhala Buddhist chauvinist 
rhetoric that says that to be Sri Lankan is to be Sinhala and Buddhist, 
but what other examples come to your minds, and what pertinent sources 
would be good to look at?

I think I will steer clear of the recently discussed Empress Wu, as it 
seems that anti-Nestorian persecution may not have been her policy but 
that of another non-Buddhist T'ang ruler.

I was also considering Kukai's critiques of Confucianism and Taoism, 
but I'm wary of equating criticism with intolerance.

I'll be interested and thankful to see what people come up with!

Best Wishes,
Brad Clough

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