[Buddha-l] Earliest Buddhist literature

Stephen Hodge s.hodge at padmacholing.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Mar 15 18:54:45 MST 2006

L.S. Cousins wrote:

>>Carbon dating of rare manuscripts from a private collection dubbed
>>the "Dead Sea scrolls of Buddhism" may reveal the religion's ancient
> The reference seems to be to carbon dating of fragments from the
> Senior collection. And the date range found was from 130 to 250 A.D.
> This looks as if it confirms the dating of the slightly earlier
> British Library material.

Belatedly, but still not clear whose collection this is.  I note the 
following from the Schoyen Collection website, "This collection has already 
been considered a major discovery among students of Buddhism, and has 
informally been called the Dead Sea Scrolls of Buddhism".  Perhaps it would 
help if one collection should be the Dead Sea Scrolls of Buddhisma and the 
other the Nag Hammadi Scrolls of Buddhism.

Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge 

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