[Buddha-l] Re: Where does authority for "true" Buddhism come from?

Robert Morrison sgrmti at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 31 07:27:54 MST 2006

Stephen Hodge: 
> 1.    vijñana -> nama-rupa -> ?a?-ayatana -> sparsa -> vedana [= du?kha]
> 2.    t???a -> upadana -> bhava -> jati -> jara-mara?a [= du?kha]
> These earlier forms of the PS can be found in the Nikayas.  Sometime 
> after these two sets got conflated, avidya and sa?skara were stuck on 
> at the beginning for reasons that concern a different concept of the 
> path and its goal.  It would therefore seem unlikely that the Buddha 
> actually taught the 12-fold PS -- it is more probable that he 
> primarily taught List 2 and sometimes possibly List 1.


Makes sense to me. How about the claim of Gombridge that these forms came
from outside Buddhism, say from the Upani.sads?

This 'sounds' very interesting.  Can you direct me to where Gombrich says



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