[Buddha-l] on eating meat

RonLeifer at aol.com RonLeifer at aol.com
Wed Oct 19 20:13:47 MDT 2005

In a message dated 10/19/2005 7:27:23 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
rhayes at unm.edu writes:

So you  seek a fatwa from the Dalia Lama in which he says in so many
words "Eating  meat is bad karma"? Does this not strike you as a
remarkably limited and  unimaginative way of looking at an  important

If eating meat is bad karma, how does one explain that it is served in some  
left handed tantra rituals (along with whiskey)?
I  was served a morsel of steak and a shot of Canadian Club by a  Tibetan 
monk at a dedication ceremony.
Ron Leifer 
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