[Buddha-l] on eating meat

Mike Austin mike at lamrim.org.uk
Wed Oct 19 00:28:32 MDT 2005

In message <004d01c5d4e0$aa011e50$6402a8c0 at gatewaycompute>, Dr. Michael 
E. Steele <msteele at uwf.edu> writes
>A few quotes from the Dalai Lama.  They make his position abundantly clear.

I am not entering the debate here,  but can you cite a reference - or a 
quote from His Holiness - that says eating meat, or buying meat, is bad 
karma? This was the original question that started this spate of posts.

It is quite difficult to get a straight answer to this question without 
getting bogged down in peripheral points of view and getting accused of 
all sorts of wrongs.

Mike Austin

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