[Buddha-l] Vipassana?

Erik Hoogcarspel jehms at xs4all.nl
Sun Oct 16 04:33:21 MDT 2005

d f tweney schreef:

> Can someone give me (or point me to) a good description of what makes 
> "vipassana" meditation unique -- or what differentiates it from, say, 
> Zen meditation? I have read descriptions of vipassana meditation, 
> which is sometimes called "insight meditation," but the 
> descriptions/prescriptions seem to differ very little from what I've 
> read (and experienced) of the Zen approach. Is there a difference of 
> focus, or emphasis?
> thanks!
Let me just try to describe what it feels like to me.
When doing vipassana I let my thoughts calm down, fix my attention on 
the coming and going of the air through my nostrils (some like the 
rising and falling of the abdomen). I become aware of thoughts coming up 
and I realise they are just thoughts. I can have special attention for 
aspects like emotions, concepts, etc. but basically I am aware of the 
arising and subsiding of mental events. If I find this difficult I can 
just try to name and label the mental I become aware of.
Zen is basically abiding in buddhanature. I sit without moving my body, 
let my thoughts calm down and try to forget past and future. I don't use 
any method, because that would keep the future present. If I'm to 
agitated I can try to use a method like counting my breaths, but I 
should return to the pure present when possible. If I'm lucky I 
experience moments of calmness and clearness of mind.



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