[Buddha-l] Re: Indian commentaries to Candrakirti's Madhyamaka-avatara

Bill Kish wdkish81 at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 8 14:21:49 MDT 2005

Richard Nance:
>As far as I know, Candrakiirti was largely ignored by the
>Indian tradition; his work was only very rarely cited
>(Praj~naakaramati does so in his commentary to the
>but he's the exception rather than the rule). I know of no Indian
>commentaries apart from the ones you've mentioned. Attention to
>Candrakiirti really seems to have taken off in Tibet in the wake
>the bKa' gdams pa translator sPa tshab Nyi ma grags (fl. late
>11th-early 12c.).

Thanks, Richard.

Do scholars ("western" or otherwise) have any information on 
Jayananda (~ 11th c. ), and in particular why he decided to focus 
on Candrakirti after what appears to be centuries of neglect ?
The same question would probably go for sPa tshab Nyi ma grags
sa well. I find myself wishing for a work similar to Georges 
Dreyfus's "Recognizing Reality", but with the focus on Candrakirti 
instead of Dharmakirti.

Bill Kish

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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