[Buddha-l] RE: seeking the Pali and Sanskrit term for"holy/religious/, sacred objects"

Stephen Hodge s.hodge at padmacholing.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Nov 2 13:11:44 MST 2005

Dear Richard (N)

> but the underlying Sanskrit is still more specific:
> it's pari.skaaraa.h, which might be rendered more precisely as
> "ornaments" or "adornments."

And we can proceed to the ultra-pedantic and refer to Edgerton (BHS Dic 
p331) who by including pari.skaara (which he too defines as "equipment, 
utensils, personal belongings") implies that these are specifically Buddhist 
meanings not present in the standard Sanskrit usage.  Your move :)

Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge

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