[Buddha-l] Obituary: The Age of Aquarius

Mike Austin mike at lamrim.org.uk
Wed Jun 29 14:41:52 MDT 2005

In message <42C2EDE1.3060008 at cola.iges.org>, curt <curt at cola.iges.org> 
>Unlike your typical Mahayanist, for whom the concept of
>helping others is purely a theoretical construct, Che dedicated
>his life to actually helping other actual human beings. This, it
>turns out, is much messier and far more ambiguous (to put it
>nicely) than just reciting the "four vows".

Please don't think this way. The 'typical' Mahayanist that I know does 
both. One of my favourite quotes is from the Dhammapada.

"Like a beautiful brightly coloured flower without fragrance
  Is the well-spoken word without action.

  Like a beautiful brightly coloured full of fragrance
  Is the well-spoken word and the deed that matches the word."

I found this very inspiring when I joined the "Stop the War" marches in 
London before the war on Iraq.

Mike Austin

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